About us

Image: Jeff, Shauna, Callie and Wyatt Eagleton at their farmstand trailer ready for a farmers market. The kids are eating beets and beet tops, their favorites.

Image: Jeff and Shauna Eagleton with their kids, Callie and Wyatt, at their Delpine Farms farmstand trailer ready for a farmers market. The kids are eating beets and beet tops, one of their favorite snacks.

We are not alone.

As farmers and ranchers in rural Montana, it can often feel that way. When we decided to farm full time, it sure felt like we were on an island, trying to sell our locally grown produce to our friends and family and anyone “in the neighborhood“ that was interested. Since then, we have helped start a couple farmers markets but were still feeling isolated when we considered our options for growing and selling more.

If only there were other farmers, ranchers and producers around that would want to work together, to market, sell and distribute their products with ours? Turns out there are and thus, the Central Montana Food Hub was born. If we want to sell and distribute our produce across the region, why not include as many other local products as are available? When considering the options to sell our local products, often the suggestion of taking it to Bozeman or Billings comes up. But as the producers, we live the rural life by choice and want to support our rural communities with the incredible food we grow and make. While there are challenges logistically, serving our region, we feel strongly about rising to the occasion and finding ways to make it work.

We, we, we. Who is we? We are Jeff and Shauna Eagleton. We are the farmers of Delpine Farms in Martinsdale and the creators of the Central Montana Food Hub. You can learn more about our farm here at www.delpinefarms.com. We are passionate about growing healthy food for our family, especially our kids and their peers and using this incredible food mother nature blesses us with, to lift up our community in health and wellness. Cheers.